**C.S.I. Services **

Claims Investigations
Vehicle Locate Service
Cargo Theft Investigation


At C.S.I. we work every assignment as if it were our only assignment. 
We keep you well informed throughout the entire investigation and make all attempts to stretch your claims dollars as far as possible.

Our goal is to provide you with an affordable solution to investigating your claims.    
We have a "zero escaped defects policy" on all cases.
When you receive our final report, you will be confident that your decision regarding the compensability of the claim will be based on a thorough, professional, and unbiased investigation.


The objectives of our claims unit are simple:

  • To fully investigate all claims directed at the policyholder and corporate assets of our clients.
  • To review, investigate, document and report factual information in a prompt, professional manner of all claims referred for investigation.
  • To perform all duties and responsibilities on behalf of our clients in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, company policies, procedures and client objectives.
  • To continually monitor and investigate suspected fraudulent claims assigned to C.S.I. and assist our clients in the prevention of future fraudulent payments.
  • And most of all, to act in the best interest of our clients at all times.

Certified Special Investigations ~ P.O. Box 294395  Phelan, CA. 92329-4395  ~  Tel. 760.868.3788  ~  Fax. 208.728.2000